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Avatar for Jesthel

While I am a fan of concise and compact information I also agree with you that the sub-biomes can be separate! We can make them pages with links, especially as one can consider them separate biomes that just happen to appear inside another one. I'll draft the new colors on my weekend, as that's a lot of trial and error.

I'm also completely in shock about the realization that the Caves are a separate biome biome. I never realized that,but they are indeed separate from their respective parts. That is something I will have to keep in mind.

Currently using the desert as a template for the rest of the biomes as well. I'm also going to set another section of the main part of the template to denote: Outer Ring, Center, and Cave.

Also feel free to pick colors that you like (in hex code format, plese). I'll make them work. Since you are doing some impressive work you should get to name them and color them!