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Avatar for Jesthel

I'm completely okay with the arbitrary names as they make understanding their importance significant, so I hope they spread and become commonplace.

As for some hearsay: I heard on the grapevine that Grassland and Novice Grassland don't have any sort of different biome, apart from the Cave biome for both and a mine for the Grassland. Though I would say your evidence weights against that particular option. If you do find it let me know, as this is the part of a brand new game that entertains me: the discovery of it all.

Also, if you do look around at different areas, could you consider taking some pictures and uploading them? If not don't worry! I had to remove a picture from the doom lands that was just a werewolf in a dark forest, and they even credited themselves for the picture. I can make sure they are placed on each page.